Wednesday, March 22, 2006

And the Heaven Poured Down

Well if you don’t live in the DFW area let me tell you about our flood that came in on Sunday. From what I know the Highland Park area was one the hardest hit areas, the street became small rivers, cars were under water, and the city drains were so full they were pumping water out. Coincidently, the church’s (my office) drains are connected to the city’s drains, so…while the heavens opened and poured down, the overflow went into our offices which are in the church basement. You will see in the pictures that in my and John’s office there is a window to the drain (I know a window that looks in the drain, yes we have a great view) well when the drain started pumping water back the widow began to fill and we had a fantastic fish tank for a few minutes, until the glass broke and put the fish tank in our office. Well, all will be fixed and nothing of great value was lost, thanks to those of us staff that were running from office to office grabbing everything off the floor…what a wonderful bonding time. And until the office is done being drained and re-carpeted we will continue to bond while we make office all together in a classroom.Oh, and all of this happened right after lunch on Sunday, that is why I am in my church clothes and John is in the baptismal waiters so his suit would not be ruined.


Robby and Lynsey said...

What a mess!! I'm so sorry! I can't even begin to imagine how long your OCD list is for cleaning all of that up!!! :) hehe Good luck! I guess if you are not burned in fire, you are flooded. Poor Texas needs a break, I think!

Lauren said...

Hey Crysty,

I don't think I've commented on your blog yet, but I read it periodically to see what you're up to :) I just have to say that that is a hilarious picture of John in the waders! I hope your office returns to normal sometime soon! God bless,

~Lauren Prather

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Love the "fishbowl" anaolgy. Maybe more like a large aquarium, though.... ;-)

~Angelique, a staff member who got to experience the "wonderful bonding time"

Neena said...

I don't know if you are getting the comments are not because it doesn't show it, but I'm commenting anyway. I am so sorry about the flood. I'm glad ya'll saved everything cause I know ya'll had a lot in the office.

To get blogs on your sidebar you have to go to your template setting and scroll done until you see the word Link. You will have to do it very slowly the first time because it will be hard to see then you will see how they are set up from your other links and you can add the websites. If you have questions call me or email me and I will help you more.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had stayed with you guys Sunday afternoon instead of trying to make it home after lunch. As we drove down University away from your place and towards Inwood, the water rose REALLY quickly. Some houses no longer had front yards, everything was water. It was truly amazing how quickly the water rose. Then, we were stranded in a parking lot at Mockingbird and Cedar Springs for a good hour until the water receded only slightly. That allowed us to drive over a median and go back the way we had come. Very interesting afternoon. Thankfully we made it home safely and you guys weren't hurt when the windows busted.

the Kimberlins said...

testing comments...cyndy it wasn't working.

Anonymous said...

I posted a really long comment about this blog and our afternoon stuck in the floods of Highland Park. Maybe I'll repost it sometime. :)
